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The e.pop Digital Receipts App Step-by-Step Guide for Merchants

e.pop is a New York City-based startup developing e-commerce tools for brick-and-mortar and online retail businesses to reach and retain more customers and boost sales. Our mission is to help entrepreneurs and founders grow their businesses and make it easier for consumers to understand their personal spending via receipt management. 

Shoppers with the e.pop app receive receipts from their purchases, keeping them in one convenient location for future tracking. Meanwhile, business owners can deliver promotions and messages directly to customers through the app—a powerful ecommerce marketing tool to boost sales and increase customer retention!

Providing handy insights on online shopping, our app is now available on both iOS and Android.

How can you jump start your ecommerce marketing with e.pop’s consumer app?

e.pop was built for retail merchants! Getting a foothold as a new business can be excruciatingly difficult. Finding and maintaining new acquisition channels is time-consuming and is as much art as it is science. Our consumer and merchant solutions play double duty to connect shoppers to the retailers they love as well as new ones based on their actual spending habits; for merchants, our app is a honed and targeted e-commerce marketing tool. 

It allows both brick-and-mortar and ecommerce retailers:

  • Hyper-target existing and new customers with relevant offers based on their actual spending habits
  • Stabilize marketing budgets with a less volatile marketing and sales channel 
  • Boost visibility and position themselves with the right consumers at exactly the right time 
  • Issue digital receipts and incorporate environmental sustainability into their offerings

Covid-19 accelerated online shopping and, while in-store shopping numbers are coming back, the result is clear: Omni-channel is the new shopping experience for the foreseeable future. Consumers are looking for more information about, accessibility to and transparency from the brands they like; they want seamless checkout; they want rewards and perks for repeat purchases; and they want it all on and from their smartphones. 

While many small business owners use ecommerce marketing tactics that focus on desktop computers, customers are increasingly moving to mobile commerce. As such, they demand native mobile apps and ecommerce stores rather than relying on their web browsers. E.pop for the win! 

But wait—the benefits aren’t just for the online savvy! For small business owners, e.pop’s mobile communication platform gives local and online businesses a powerful tool to sell more products, boost user engagement, and increase customer loyalty.

Merchants can send offers directly after the check-out process, driving repeat purchases. e.pop’s sales promotions and loyalty program capabilities turn first-time customers into loyal fans of your brand.


e.pop makes shopping easier than ever.

The less friction involved in purchasing from your small business’ store – whether ecommerce or local – the more sales you’ll generate. Eliminating road bumps and obstacles in your sales funnel turns potential customers into satisfied customers.

For merchants, e.pop simplifies the brand discovery and customer engagement processes, maximizing ecommerce marketing efforts and creating loyal customers. 


Better customer retention equals more profit.

In today’s highly competitive retail market, acquiring customers is more expensive than ever. As conventional marketing wisdom goes, new customers are far more costly than return customers.

Harvard Business Review reports that finding new customers is 5 to 25 times more expensive than retaining existing ones. With the price of all forms of advertising on the rise – from social media and content marketing to influencer marketing – businesses are struggling to attract new website visitors—let alone a new customer base.

It’s not all bad news, though. This means that small businesses and online retailers prioritizing re-engaging current customers will enjoy more significant profit margins. Lower costs lead to higher profits—it’s simple math!

The e.pop app gives businesses a new channel for delivering recommended products and services to existing customers and directly promoting offers and sales to the user’s mobile device. Skip the email!

Don’t let customers forget about you. Drive the rediscovery of your brand through in-app recommendations that lead them back to your brick-and-mortar or online store.


Learn more from your customers with enhanced data.

As a small business owner, e.pop allows you to capture customer data at the SKU level. This specific customer insight enables you to make effective, data-driven business decisions in real-time, taking into account shoppers’ real – not perceived – consumption and behavior.

Fine-tune your inventory, discover potential partnership opportunities, and promote the products your customers are most interested in—all with the power of data acquired through the e.pop app.

With the ability to analyze your customers’ purchasing habits across all stores and ecommerce sites, harness the power of industry-wide data to identify trends and truly understand the needs of your target audience.


Providing a commitment to sustainability.

At e.pop, we’re passionate about doing our part to contribute to environmental sustainability. Whether or not you share our passion, aligning your small business with eco-friendly practices can be beneficial not only to the planet but to your bottom line as well.

Now more than ever, consumers are concerned with the sustainability of the companies they support. In fact, products marketed as sustainable grew 2.7x faster than their counterparts—and 84% of consumers said they’d avoid a brand that engages in unsustainable practices.

Using e.pop digital smart receipts and eliminating paper receipts from your store’s check-out process can positively affect your relationship with eco-conscious consumers. By going green, you’ll further encourage repeat purchases.

We’re on a mission to eliminate unnecessary waste from printed receipts. Offering consumers a convenient way to keep track of purchases, protect their privacy, and do good for the planet—what’s not to love?

Get started with e.pop today

The e.popa App is available for shoppers now on both Android and iOS app stores. Our digital receipt solution is available for Square and Shopify POS- enabled merchants. Try it today or find the e.pop app on iOS and Android platforms.

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